Donations Total: $7,500,000+
Mail donations to: CURED Foundation, NFP, P.O. Box 32, Lincolnshire, IL 60069
Our History
In January 2003, our daughter, Jori, was diagnosed with Eosinophilic Disease.
It took a long time to make that diagnosis. Her red blood levels showed that she was malnourished. She had a lot of stomach aches and nausea. The doctors believed she had Celiac disease. She eventually had an endoscope and when they scoped her they found her stomach filled with inflammation, polyps and severe bleeding.
We had no idea where to turn to. So little was, and still is, known about the illness that we spent hundreds of hours researching where to go and what to do. We have found some solace through support groups and our journey has brought some wonderful people into our lives.
The one thing we could not grasp was that there is no cure for Eosinophilic Disease. And there is little treatment. This has been the hardest part of all – feeling helpless and watching our daughter suffer.
And so began our journey of starting a foundation. With energy and determination that we did not know we had, we elicited the help of family and friends. Within a year, CURED was founded. As it’s name suggests, Campaign Urging Research for Eosinophilic Disease we are committed to finding a CURE for Eosinophilic Disease.
And so began our journey of starting a foundation. With energy and determination that we did not know we had, we elicited the help of family and friends. Within a year, CURED was founded. As it’s name suggests, Campaign Urging Research for Eosinophilic Disease we are committed to finding a CURE for Eosinophilic Disease.
We are still amazed at the wonderful response we have gotten. We began CURED at our kitchen table in a northwest suburb of Chicago. We now operate fundraisers across the country. And we are still growing thanks to so many people who have shown how much they truly care.
Thank you for your support.
Ellyn & Fred Kodroff
At CURED we pride ourselves on being available to all those suffering from Eosinophilic Disease. Whether you are looking to share ideas, stories or just talk contact us at the number below or using our contact form.