7th CURED Research Conference and Patient Education Program
April 4-7, 2024
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
This is an international meeting concerning the field of Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders, including EoE and other eosinophilic diseases. The conference features a variety of topics including the clinical, pathogenic, genetic, and dietary features and therapies of EGID. Breakthroughs in novel therapeutic strategies and diagnostic modalities will be discussed. Keynote lectures provide state-of-the-art information of interest to researchers, patient families, and the industry. This three-day symposium is for physicians, scientists, dietitians, industry representatives, regulators, patient families, and other key stakeholders. Participants are invited to submit abstracts for consideration for inclusion in the 2024 meeting. Top abstracts will be selected oral presentations as late-breaking findings!
Schedule of Events
Thursday, April 4
Research Focused Material Intended for Investigators, Health Care Professionals and Families
8 am-5 pm
Cincinnati Children’s Sabin Auditorium
Research-focused sessions covering EoE Pathogenesis, EoE Inheritance and Genetic Testing, Therapy, Fighting EGID and Winning, Diagnostics, Disease Guidelines, and Clinical Research Studies. Teen program available. Please note there will NOT be child care services offered on Thursday. Children under the age of 14 will not be allowed inside the meeting.Poster Reception
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Cincinnati Children’s Room S1.203&204 (all are welcome to attend)Special Guest speaker is @Phil Hates Gluten, the creator behind Phil Hates Gluten, a social media page about relatable gluten-free humor. In 2018, he was diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis, and eating gluten-free (and dairy-free) helped alleviate his symptoms. He’s made it his mission to create funny, relatable content about being gluten-free so that people feel a little less alone in their health journey.
Friday, April 5
Research Focused Material Intended for Investigators and Health Care Professionals
8 am – 5 pm
Cincinnati Children’s Sabin Auditorium
Research-focused presentations covering clinical features of EGID, pathological features of EoE, and pathoetiology of EoE.CCED Research Lab Tour
5 pm – 6 pm
Meet in Sabin Auditorium Lobby for a tour of the Rothenberg CURED Lab at Cincinnati Children’s (all are welcome to attend)Saturday, April 6
Family-Focused Lectures and Activities
8 am-5 pm
Cincinnati Children’s Sabin Auditorium
Family-focused sessions covering EGID diagnosis and therapy, Feeding Problems, Coping with EGID, and Nutrition based presentations for patients and families. Topics will include HES, Mast Cell, and Connective Tissue Disease. Teen program available. Childcare will be available. (Professionals welcome to attend)SPECIAL EVENT
Family Fun Night!
7-9 pm
The Graduate Hotel
This is a family-oriented game night for all conference attendees. It is a wonderful opportunity to raise funds vital to medical research and meet other EGID familiesAgenda
Click to view each page
Thursday 7:30 AM – 1 PM Thursday 1 PM – 8 PM Friday 8 AM – 1 PM Friday 1 PM – 6:45 PM Saturday 8 AM – 1 PM Saturday 1 PM – Sunday 11 AM Call for Abstracts
Participants are invited to submit abstracts for consideration for inclusion in the 2024 meeting. Abstracts should focus on eosinophils or eosinophil-related diseases. Original work not yet published is encouraged, although encore abstracts will be considered for presentation. Email your abstract submission to ccedresearch@cchmc.org.
Deadline for Abstract Submission: March 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm EST
Notification of Acceptance: March 14, 2024
Submission Requirements:
Author(s) Information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Degree
- Organization
Abstracts must include:
- Background
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- Indication if the submission is an encore abstract
Maximum characters allowed in total: 2,500
A subset of accepted abstracts will be selected for oral presentation. All accepted abstracts will be presented as posters during the conference. Abstracts selected for poster presentation are responsible for producing posters for display. Display bulletin boards (4’x6’) will be provided. Conference registration is required for all accepted abstract authors. In addition, all lodging and travel costs will be the responsibility of the author although applications for travel grants are expected to be announced. All abstract presentations will be in English.
Accomodations at The Graduate Cincinnati (former Marriot Kingsgate)
151 Goodman Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Reservations Direct: 844-888-4723
Hotel Direct: 513-487-3800
Reservation Web Link: CURED Foundation 2024 – Graduate Cincinnati 04/03-04/09/24Click here for directions and map

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