Jeramey’s Story

My son, Jeramey Hill, began his battle with an eosinophilic disorder 13 years ago at the age of 5 months. After 5 months of being told that my son was nothing but a fussing baby, I decided to take him for a 2nd opinion at Seattle Childrens Hospital. After an endoscopy my son was diagnosed with eosinophilic gastroenteritis. He was started on a dose of zantac twice a day and neocate formula (which at that time was not even FDA approved). After no luck with treatment and several doctors later, we returned to Seattle where doctors inserted a feeding tube. My son lived with this tube until his 2nd birthday, which seemed to be a turning point for him, little did we know that the disease would soon return. My son then began having horrible episodes with asthma and allergies.

He was soon started on asthma treatments and oral steroids. At the age of 5 he began having trouble with Reflux. Finally at the age of 7 he had a nessin fundoplication to resolve the reflux. During the surgery they also discovered he had a hernia. After the procedure and recovery we seemed to be at the turning point that we need, for 3 years he seemed to do better and we had hope that he had been “cured”. Then right before his 11th Birthday we began with the episodes all over again. Constant stomach pain, increase in asthma symptoms, and inability to gain weight. It was our worst dreams come true. In the past two years we have seen doctors in Spokane, WA, National Jewish in Denver, CO, and Denver Children’s Hospital where we received little answers to why this was reoccurring. Our local Doctors in Montana began telling us that the pain was all in his head and he should start seeing a counselor.

We spent two weeks in the hospital last October, where all they did was pump him full of morphine. I finally became completely disgusted and contacted CURED and was advised by them to visit Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. All I can say is God Bless you and your organization. It was such a relieve to talk to Doctors that were familiar with the disease and understood what my child was going thru. During our visit to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital my son was diagnosed with eosinophilic colitis and we are currently receiving treatment for it. Our hope is that no other child has to suffer like most of these children do before being diagnosed and treated. We will definitely be returning to Cincinnati.

My deepest thanks go out to you and your organization.

Kim Meyers